ART FAIR 2024:  2 First Place and one Honorable Mention
6 Paintings For Sale and work on consignment at Artistic Isle, Sedalia, MO. 
Art Fair 2023: Won 3 Firsts in 3 catagories

Best in Mixed Media-1st Place

Creative in Drawing-1st Place

Artistic Excellence-1st Place

Wall on Display at Gamber Center (One of 4 Walls in the building where I displayed alone or with my students for 4 years.

          Dee Kuse Private Art Lessons Student Art Exhibit
         Sponsered by: LS Parks and Rec/Gamber Center

Front page and inside page article about my artwork in the                                                                             LS Journal 
                        To read the article-go to the following link.                                                  to-pixels-artist-shows.html​​​​​​

Online version of Newspaper Article

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